More big news! (Whizz, bang!!!) The SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! Well, no, not exactly. Though the stock market did take a big tumble today. But more importantly, Cloud 13's Tangemeenie is launching a new Blog (conveniently located at, and at the same time, the daring duo is embarking on an exciting new multimedia adventure/recording project called "The Gilded Age".
The new blog will feature updates on the group's progress on the new recording project, production notes, amusing personal anecdotes, and most importantly, exclusive free mp3 downloads of tracks from the forthcoming CD at various stages in the recording process--all of which will culminate in Tangemeenie's attempt to make DIY history by being the first band on earth to produce and manufacture a commercial-retail quality CD using only a single personal computer (well, and some musical instruments and external devices).
Head on over to the Official Tangemeenie Blog(TM) today and let us know what you think. The blog will be updated at least on a monthly basis, with more frequent updates possible, so either subscribe here to get updates sent straight to your browser when they arrive, or check back frequently to see what's new.
the official news blog of Cloud 13 Records